My simple faith story
My story began when I was 12 years old, my mom told me that my grandfather is a Master Chinese Caligraphy he also mastered in Chinese writing and speaking. When she told me the story about my grandfather, I was thinking ‘‘maybe one day I become like my grandfather, because it cool.“ Since that day onwards, I was curious to learn about Chinese calligraphy (I was in junior high school at the time); even after my grandfather passed away, I believed that his seed and anointing were flowing in me. I’ve learned about Chinese calligraphy for more than 8 years until now, without no mentors teaching me about this.
I remember how God led me to choose the university I had to go. One day, I was walking and looking at the university’s brochure in Bandung. I saw a Chinese painting on the brochure of the 'Design Communication Visual' program. When I saw it, my heart leapt up with joy! There’s a voice in my heart that said "this is the one, the best university that God had for me." I went to register myself right away. I follow where God leads me because I know God does speak through my heart.

I joined CREA (a branding & marketing consulting company) in December 2010 and applied as a graphic designer. After 3 years of working, I was promoted to become an Art Director. I thought it was the highest level I could achieve in the company, but it turned out that My God had a plan that is greater than mine. And the rest is history.
The founder of the company, also my spiritual father, papa Jeffri, said that my calligraphy was a special seed from God. He was the one who released me to pursue my dream of being a Chinese Calligraphy artist. Day to day, I've been learning to experience God’s voice through my heart. I came here as a fresh graduate & graphic designer. It has never crossed in my mind that God would make me download His revelations, words & pictures through Chinese(ART) calligraphy, in order to bless others in hope of hearing the voice of God. I just simply follow what my heart said every time I need to decide something.
I believe HE has the best plan for each of us, His children. When we listen to Him & follow our heart, we will surely arrive at our favorite harbor, the Destiny that God has prepared for us. Starts 2017 until now, there's always a perfection coming to my life.
Prophetic Arts
(picture : Me with seniors of the oldest community of Surabaya Chinese Calligraphy)
Here are some of My PROPHETIC ARTS :